Aaron Pierre has been officially cast as John Stewart in HBO’s upcoming “Lanterns.” This casting marks a significant moment for DC’s live-action universe and Pierre, whose...
The first trailer for ‘Sinners,’ Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Coogler’s latest collaboration, has dropped. Set in the South during the Jim Crow era, the movie centers around...
The highly anticipated premiere of the upcoming sequel to Gladiator is fast approaching, and Paramount just released a second trailer for the historical action film (you...
You've never had a friend like him
Tia Mowry is set to return to the small screen with her new show, ‘Tia Mowry: My Next Act.‘ Premiering on WeTV, this series offers an...
Halle Berry steps into the chilling world of horror with her latest film, ‘Never Let Go,’ directed by the acclaimed Alexandre Aja (‘Crawl,’ ‘The Hills Have...
In a recent interview with A24, Brandy Norwood has expressed her desire for Halle Bailey, one-half of the R&B duo Chloe x Halle, to portray her...
The highly anticipated first look at the upcoming sports drama film ‘Unstoppable’ has finally been unveiled. Jharrel Jerome and Jennifer Lopez are starring in the lead...
Netflix has unveiled the first-look images of its highly anticipated thriller, ‘Rebel Ridge,’ starring Aaron Pierre. The film is helmed by Jeremy Saulnier, best known for...
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Joseph Marcell, known for his iconic portrayal of Geoffrey, the butler, is set to join the cast of the hit...