Will Smith returns to the screen following the infamous Oscar scandal with a new drama titled Emancipation, helmed by Equalizer director Antoine Fuqua. The historical action...
Based on The Best Man film franchise the upcoming limited series will catch up with Harper (Taye Diggs), Robyn (Sanaa Lathan), Jordan (Nia Long), Lance (Morris...
As this year is coming to an end, we are looking back at the most memorable events in entertainment. Among those were various exciting celebrity reunions....
Written by Tiara Henley
20th Century Studios has released a new trailer for “Avatar: The Way of Water,” the sequel to James Cameron’s highest-grossing film of all time. Set more...
Angelina Jolie’s daughter Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt is college bound! On Sunday, the Oscar-winning actor announced her 17-year-old will be attending Spelman College, an HBCU, this fall....
Marvel has finally released the official trailer for the highly anticipated sequel of Black Panther. The 2-minute video features new and returning characters and unveils a special...
Idris Elba is stepping into the lion’s den in this newly released action-packed trailer. Directed by Baltasar Kormákur, Beast follows Dr. Nate Samuels (Elba), a widowed...
Regina Hall and Sterling K. Brown star in the upcoming mockumentary Honk for Jesus, Save Your Soul. Written and directed by Adamma Ebo and executive produced by Jordan Peele, the comedy...
Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson star in Netflix’s upcoming action-packed comedy dropping on Netflix on June 24. A case of mistaken identity arises after a screw-up...