Netflix has unveiled the first-look images of its highly anticipated thriller, ‘Rebel Ridge,’ starring Aaron Pierre. The film is helmed by Jeremy Saulnier, best known for...
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Joseph Marcell, known for his iconic portrayal of Geoffrey, the butler, is set to join the cast of the hit...
Hulu’s ‘UnPrisoned’ returns with a compelling and emotionally charged second season. Starring Kerry Washington and Delroy Lindo, the show follows the story of Paige (Washington), a...
The first trailer for Lee Daniels’ long-anticipated ‘The Deliverance’ has finally arrived. Inspired by a true story, the film will hit select theaters on August 16,...
Eddie Murphy’s daughter Bria Murphy has made a memorable cameo in the latest installment of the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, ‘Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.’ Bria,...