Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has entered the realm of lifestyle television with her new Netflix series titled “With Love, Meghan,” set to premiere on January 15, 2025. The show marks the latest venture under her and Prince Harry’s multi-year partnership with the streamer, promising a blend of culinary arts, gardening, and candid conversations.
The premise of “With Love, Meghan” is to celebrate the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining, and friendship. The show features Meghan in her element, showcasing her cooking skills alongside various celebrity guests, including Mindy Kaling, Roy Choi, and Alice Waters. Prince Harry will also make a cameo.
Meghan Markle and Roy Choi
Meghan Markle and Mindy Kaling
The trailer, released on January 2, 2025, offers glimpses of Markle in a stunning Montecito kitchen, selecting fresh produce from her garden and sharing laughs and recipes with friends. This will mark Meghan’s return to her pre-marital roots, where she was known for her lifestyle blog, The Tig, which focused on similar themes of food, travel, and personal wellness.