Idris Elba is stepping into the lion’s den in this newly released action-packed trailer. Directed by Baltasar Kormákur, Beast follows Dr. Nate Samuels (Elba), a widowed...
Regina Hall and Sterling K. Brown star in the upcoming mockumentary Honk for Jesus, Save Your Soul. Written and directed by Adamma Ebo and executive produced by Jordan Peele, the comedy...
Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson star in Netflix’s upcoming action-packed comedy dropping on Netflix on June 24. A case of mistaken identity arises after a screw-up...
BET debuted the trailer for its upcoming original drama Bid For Love, set for a June release. The cast includes Blue Kimble (Ruthless), Dawn Halfkenny (Saints...
BET+ debuted the first look trailer for its highly-anticipated Martin reunion. Three decades later, the cast is reuniting for a special episode dropping on June 16....
On Sunday, Dave Chappelle booked a last-minute gig at the 3,000-plus-seat Shea’s Performing Arts Center in Buffalo, NY. The sold-out show honored the community still recovering from last...
An untitled documentary about Lizzo is coming to HBO Max, the Grammy-winning artist recently announced at Warner Bros. Discovery Upfront in New York. The doc will explore the...
Comedian Chris Rock’s mother Rose Rock spoke about Will Smith slapping her son. She shared her thoughts during her recent interview on WIS’ Billie Jean Shaw. “You reacted to...
It’s been 30 years since Martin made its TV debut on Fox. And, here we are, three decades later, about to relive some of the most...
Amazon Studios debuted the official trailer for its upcoming thriller titled Master, starring Regina Hall. The film first premiered during the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and will...