Netflix has unveiled the first-look images of its highly anticipated thriller, ‘Rebel Ridge,’ starring Aaron Pierre. The film is helmed by Jeremy Saulnier, best known for...
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Joseph Marcell, known for his iconic portrayal of Geoffrey, the butler, is set to join the cast of the hit...
Hulu’s ‘UnPrisoned’ returns with a compelling and emotionally charged second season. Starring Kerry Washington and Delroy Lindo, the show follows the story of Paige (Washington), a...
Eddie Murphy’s daughter Bria Murphy has made a memorable cameo in the latest installment of the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, ‘Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.’ Bria,...
On July 3, 2024, Halle Bailey and her boyfriend DDG delighted fans by sharing the first photos of their son, Halo. The couple, who welcomed their...
Taraji P. Henson brought it once again! The Oscar-nominated actress, author, and producer returned to host the 2024 BET Awards for the third time, bringing her...
Donald Glover has released the trailer for his feature film directorial debut, ‘Bando Stone & The New World.’ Glover stars as the titular character, Bando Stone,...
The Family Business
‘Bridgerton’s Simone Ashley is set to star in a brand new movie on Prime Video titled ‘Picture This.’ Directed by Prarthana Mohan (The Miseducation of Bindu)...
Kandi Burruss, known for her roles in ‘The Chi’ and ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta,’ has joined the cast of Hulu’s hit legal drama ‘Reasonable Doubt’ for...