The highly anticipated premiere of the upcoming sequel to Gladiator is fast approaching, and Paramount just released a second trailer for the historical action film (you...
In a highly anticipated collaboration, acclaimed actor Jeffrey Wright and Ilfenesh Hadera have joined the cast of Spike Lee’s upcoming film, ‘High and Low.’ The film,...
Sony Pictures released the official poster and trailer for the final chapter of The Equalizer, directed by Antoine Fuqua (‘Training Day’), starring Denzel Washington and Dakota...
Michael B. Jordan and Chante Adams have lent their talents to capture a solemn romance, a narrative inspired by a true story. Based on the book...
A present-day reimagining of The Preacher’s Wife is in the works with Anthony Hemingway (Genius, American Crime Story) directing. Angela Basset and Courtney B. Vance, who starred...
The lead star of ABC’s hit medical drama Ellen Pompeo shared her experience of working with Academy Award winner Denzel Washington while chatting with former co-star...
A new level of visual art was showcased through the freshly released teaser of The Tragedy of Macbeth. Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington brings his omnipresent...
Watch the teaser trailer for A Journal For Jordan starring Michael B. Jordan and Chanté Adams. Directed by Denzel Washington with a screenplay by Virgil Williams,...
Michael B Jordan, Chante Adams, and Denzel Washington were spotted working on their latest film Journal For Jordan. The crew was spotted shooting outdoor scenes in...
We are in a world of more than 7 billion people, so there is always a possibility that someone would look just like you- an older...