Award-winning actress Taraji P Henson takes on the iconic role of Miss Hannigan in Annie Live!, a television adaptation of a beloved Broadway classic. Henson will...
Former EVP of TriStar Television Kathryn Busby has been tapped for President of Original Programming at Starz. Busby will report directly to Starz President and CEO...
The horror tale has made its comeback nearly 30 years after it originally premiered. Helmed by a talented Black woman director Nia DaCosta, the new Candyman...
Best known for starring in 00’s classic ‘Everybody Hates Chris’ and most recently Apple TV+’s ‘Mythic Quest’, Imani Hakim had taken on a new role as...
People across the nation clamored to social media in excitement, raving about the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer that was released on Tuesday, November 16. However,...