Bria Danielle Singleton had secured a role in Netflix’s new superhero comedy Thunder Force, starring Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer and Emmy winner Melissa McCarthy. The 15-year-old...
James Gunn’s R-rated superhero mayhem includes a few cast members from David Ayers’ 2016 Suicide Squad. The highly anticipated Suicide Squad relaunch is fast approaching! Directed by...
written by Nichelle Taylor Deadline has confirmed that The Academy Awards Nominated short film Two Distant Strangers has been nabbed by the streaming giant Netflix. The short was developed...
Written by Betti HalsellInterview by Tiara Taylor Creatives have been no stranger to using art as a medium for controversial context. Writer and co-director Travon Free...
by Betty Halsell
by Betti Halsell
Entertainment Weekly just unveiled the first look photos of Lebron James-led highly anticipated Space Jam sequel. The images also reveal the return of the Looney Tunes...
Michael B Jordan stars in the upcoming Amazon Prime Video action-thriller Without Remorse, which is based on the 1993 Tom Clancy novel of the same name....
Octavia Spencer and Melissa McCarthy team up to fight the bad guys in Netflix’s new action comedy Thunder Force. In the trailer, former best friends Emily...
by Betti Halsell