Rising 6, a new superhero movie, is currently in production with creator/director/writer/producer Christina Cooper (South Central Love) and writer/producer Dylan Cross. They are accompanied by a vast...
"Under Wraps" premieres on Disney Channel October 1 and Disney+ October 8, 2021.
Vivo is Sony Pictures’ first-ever musical animation that harnesses original songs from Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton). The featured film explores the African diaspora found in different parts...
Watch the teaser trailer for A Journal For Jordan starring Michael B. Jordan and Chanté Adams. Directed by Denzel Washington with a screenplay by Virgil Williams,...
Terry Crews (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) was honored with a star in Hollywood on his birthday, July 30. The former NFL linebacker turned actor is celebrating his 53rd...
Warner Bros. released the first trailer of King Richard, an upcoming film starring Will Smith who plays the real-life father of two of the most gifted...
Netflix released the trailer for its new romantic comedy Resort To Love starring Christina Milian, Jay Pharoah, Sinqua Walls, and Christiani Pitts. Produced by Alicia Keys, the...
Actress Tamera ‘Tee’ Kissen has been added to the cast of New Line Cinema’s reboot of House Party. According to reports, LeBron James will produce the 1990...
MGM studios teamed up with Brad Pitt’s Plan B studio to develop a new film project based on the M.T. Anderson novel 'Landscape With Invisible Hand'.
Multi-faceted actress Zoë Kravitz made her directing debut with Pussy Island. MGM has now acquired the movie for global distribution. According to Variety, the project features...