Dave Chappelle has sparked outrage from the trans community (once again) following the release of his new stand-up special, The Closer. The 48-year-old’s jokes about the...
The trailer for Boxing Day has finally arrived, and it looks marvelous! Inspired by writer, director, and star Aml Ameen‘s life, the holiday rom-com follows Melvin (Ameen), a British...
Nicole Ari Parker is joining the Sex and the City squad, replacing Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones), in the series’ revival titled And Just Like That …. According...
Best known for his role as Max’s best friend Leo in family comedy Sydney to the Max, Christian J. Simon is now starring in a reboot...
Paramount+ has announced a revival of The Game. The drama series returns after six years and nine seasons. It originally aired on The CW and then BET....