Michael B. Jordan and Chante Adams have lent their talents to capture a solemn romance, a narrative inspired by a true story. Based on the book...
A present-day reimagining of The Preacher’s Wife is in the works with Anthony Hemingway (Genius, American Crime Story) directing. Angela Basset and Courtney B. Vance, who starred...
In Queens, the audience gets a first-hand look at the dynasty built by the hip-hop quartet of women. Viewers meet them on the verge of claiming...
We hate to see ‘Insecure’ go, but we love to watch it leave with a bang! The fan-favorite HBO series is making its final round. Season...
The first episode of the final season of Insecure premiered on Sunday night. On Monday morning, Amanda Seales, who plays a character named Tiffany Dubois in...
In an exclusive conversation with Hollywood Melanin, actress KJ Smith talked about the force behind her dedication to the art of acting, producing, and creating a...
Netflix has renewed the two-time NAACP Image Award-winning family comedy series ‘Family Reunion’ for a third final season. The show follows the McKellans who move from Seattle...
Seeing double? The world-renowned wax museum Madame Tussauds unveiled Angela Bassett‘s new wax figure and we are at a total loss of words! Seriously, how can you...
Two decades after the release of the 2000 classic, Gabrielle Union reflects on the choices she made for her character, Isis.
Jennifer Hudson wants to star In Disney’s upcoming Hercules live-action. The award-winning singer and actor made it known – she is down to play Greek Goddess...