According to Deadline, The Morning Show star will play “a prominent character, described as the female lead.” Mbatha-Raw joins fellow cast members Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Owen...
Netflix has released the brand new trailer for Altered Carbon season 2 in which Avengers star Anthony Mackie portrays the main character, Takeshi Kovacs, the only...
Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA-directed action drama heist film Cut Throat City held its world premiere at Sundance 2020 in January. The movie stars Shameik Moore (Spiderman Into The...
Universal Pictures has released the latest trailer for Blumhouse’s newest thriller titled Invisible Man starring Clemency‘s Aldis Hodge and Euphoria‘s Storm Reid as a father-daughter duo....
Lincoln Center, New York – cast and Executive producers celebrated the premiere of ABC upcoming series For Life on Wednesday, February 5th in New York City. Curtis...
Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the second season of its futuristic cyberpunk series Altered Carbon, adapted from a book of the same name by...
Universal Pictures releases the new trailer for The Photograph starring Issa Rae (HBO’s Insecure, Little) and LaKeith Stanfield (FX’s Atlanta, Sorry to Bother You) from writer-director Stella...
The trailer for Netflix’s new docuseries They’ve Gotta Have Us has been released and it looks glorious. Created by artist and photographer Simon Frederick, the series features...
Vin Diesel dropped the official Fast & Furious 9 teaser earlier today on his Facebook page. In it, you can see Dom and Letty (Michelle Rodriguez)...
Rosario Dawson will lead HBO Max’s pilot for DMZ, based on the DC comic book series from Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. Ava DuVernay is executive producing...