Forbes magazine named Dwayne Johnson, AKA the Rock, the highest-paid male actor for the second year in a row. The former wrestler turned Hollywood superstar reportedly...
The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air is making a return with Bel-Air! The one-hour project is based on Morgan Cooper’s record-breaking fan film (more than 7.5 million views to date) that...
Tony Award nominee, SAG, and Grammy Award-winning actress Danielle Brooks (Orange is The New Black) will portray gospel music icon and civil rights activist Mahalia Jackson...
Netflix is bringing seven most iconic Black sitcoms from the late ’90s and early ’00s to its platform. On Wednesday (July 29), the streaming giant’s social media account...
This year, a record number of Black talent scored Emmy nods. On Tuesday morning, the Television Academy announced 102 acting nominees across lead, supporting and guest...