Amazon has released the first official trailer of its upcoming Coming To America sequel! The 1988 original story follows Akeem (Eddie Murphy) as he travels from...
FBI informant William O’Neal (LaKeith Stanfield) infiltrates the Illinois Black Panther Party and is tasked with keeping tabs on their charismatic leader, Chairman Fred Hampton (Daniel...
The late actor Chadwick Boseman was posthumously honored at the Gotham Awards with the Actor Tribute award on Monday night (Jan. 11). Boseman’s widow, Taylor Simone...
The new trailer for The United States vs. Billie Holiday — Lee Daniel‘s latest project, written by Pulitzer Prize winner Suzan-Lori Parks — is here! Starring Grammy nominee R&B artist Andra...
When disgraced drone pilot, Lt. Harp (Damson Idris) is sent into a deadly militarized zone after disobeying orders, he finds himself working for Capt. Leo (Anthony...
The official trailer for Malcolm & Marie – Zendaya and John David Washington’s secret movie, is finally here! Helmed by Euphoria creator Sam Levinson, the story focuses on...
As Daniel Craig is making his final appearance as James Bond in the upcoming film No Time to Die (which will premiere in April), fans started...
Raven Goodwin (The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel) has been tapped to play legendary Oscar-winning actress Hattie McDaniel, the first African American to ever win the...
Vertical Entertainment has released the first official trailer for American Skin, a new film written & directed by Nate Parker (The Birth of a Nation). The cast includes Omari...
It’s happening! The highly anticipated Sister Act 3 is officially in development. Whoopi Goldberg is set to reprise her role as sister Deloris almost 30 years after the...