Robin Thede, the first Black woman to serve as head writer on a late-night show (The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore), and Insecure creator Issa Rae...
Oscar-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele, who is set to produce the reboot of the horror classic Candyman, has reportedly approached Atlanta's native Lakeith Stanfield to star as the main protagonist. Nia DaCosta (Little Woods) is set to direct. The...
Empire star Jussie Smollett was brutally attacked by two men late Monday night, TMZ reported. The actor arrived in Chicago around 2 AM and stopped by Subway. Shortly after he...
Taraji P. Henson has marked a new career milestone today when she was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Oscar-nominated actress...
Kevin Hart, indeed, hustles hard! The star of recently released drama The Upside has signed on to two more projects – the live-action feature Monopoly and...
The Oscar-nominated actress, 48, will be honored in the category of motion pictures with a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Henson is known for her roles in...
The trailer for Fast Color, a new superhero woman-led drama starring Gugu Mbatha-Raw, was released on Thursday. The actress, also known for Beyond The Lights, plays...
Will Smith, 50, and Martin Lawrence, 53, are back two decades later and we couldn’t be more excited! The two actors were photographed on the set...
Award-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele released the trailer for his new sci-fi comedy Weird City. The YouTube Original series is a satirical anthology that follows the lives...
The Upside, a movie about the bond that forms between a wealthy quadriplegic Phillip Lacasse (Bryan Cranston) and his caretaker Dell Scott (Kevin Hart) opened at...